Marco Pracucci

Electron? It works for us, and makes desktop fun and fast

by Marco Pracucci Comments

Last weekend there were a couple of great conferences in Italy. My colleague Alessandro was busy at the #Pragma Conference, while Emanuele took a great talk about the technologies we used to build Spreaker Studio for Desktop app at the Node.JS conf.

The app, that will be officially launched next Wednesday (in just 2 days), has been built upon Electron + React.js + our proprietary native audio processing library we currently use on Android / Windows / OSX (iOS app has a different implementation).

The following slides give you a sneak peek of the foundation, how Electron works, why it works for us, pros and cons. It’s a definitely suggested read, either you’re planning to build a desktop app or just curios about the technology behind it.

Slides Transcript

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I will join the following conferences. Reach me out on Twitter if you wanna meet:
Incontro DevOps 2020 Virtual 22 October 2020
