Marco Pracucci

Who are we developing for?

by Marco Pracucci Comments

October, 1st: time to gather September’s metrics. Today, I spent few minutes analyzing browsers market share among our customers and users (mostly US and Europe). The result looks pretty impressive to me and makes me wonder: what am I developing for?.

The following stats don’t reflect the state of the web, but the state of our market, that’s actually what make sense to follow when you run a business. The main reason why the numbers look impressive to me is about IE.

Internet Explorer + Edge count 6,82% on website and an extremely poor 3% on widget. Even Android Browser has a greater market share, but we currently spend much more time testing IE8+ than any other browser vendor (honestly most of our mobile tests focus on Chrome and Safari, Android Browser gets very few attention by us).

Lesson learned: are we developing to support legacy browsers or customers? The question probably sounds silly and its answer obvious to you, but it actually opened my eyes. The time to focus on secondary mobile browsers has come, while we can definitely spend less time on IE, and maybe drop IE8 and IE9 support soon.

Spreaker Website Statistics (Sept. 2015)

We currently track browsers metrics both on Spreaker website, and Spreaker widget. To give you an order of magnitude, the website gets few millions visitors per month, while embedded player (widget) gets tens millions visitors per month.

Browser Share
Chrome 50,17%
Safari 13,75%
Safar (in-app) 10,51%
Firefox 9,12%
Android Browser 7,38%
Internet Explorer 6,01%
Edge 0,81%
Opera 0,62%
Opera Mini 0,50%
Amazon Silk 0,29%


Spreaker Widget Statistics (Sept. 2015)

Browser Share
Chrome 65,31%
Firefox 16,79%
Safari 6,23%
Android Browser 5,33%
Internet Explorer 2,14%
Edge 1,01%
Opera 1,00%
Safari (in-app) 0,76%
Opera Mini 0,40%
Amazon Silk 0,23%


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Incontro DevOps 2020 Virtual 22 October 2020
