Marco Pracucci
Senior Software Engineer at Grafana Labs.
I love challenges, building products, distributed systems and all things observability.
Previously: lead SRE at Voxnest, co-founder and CTO at Spreaker.
I'm quite active on Twitter.
Upcoming conferences
I will join the following conferences. Reach me out on Twitter if you
wanna meet:
Incontro DevOps 2020 |
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22 October 2020 |
Latest Articles RSS Feed
Being a Grafanista: a look from inside
The path to being an Effective Engineer
Leveraging Open Source to Improve Cortex and Thanos
Grafana Loki: like Prometheus, but for Logs
Lessons learned running AWS Cloud Map service discovery for EC2 instances
Keeping risk under control while experimenting
Growing an AWS EBS RAID 0 array, increasing volumes size
Kubernetes Security: book review
PHP on Kubernetes: application logging via unix pipe
My take on the future of applications development and operability
PHP realpath cache and Kubernetes secrets / configmap updates
Announcements during AWS re:invent 2018 - Andy Jassy Keynote
Kubernetes pods /etc/resolv.conf ndots:5 option and why it may negatively affect your application performances
Install Spark JobServer on AWS EMR
KubeCon Europe 2018 - Memo and Takeaways
Linux TCP_RTO_MIN, TCP_RTO_MAX and the tcp_retries2 sysctl
Migrating to Prometheus: what we learned running it in production (the video)
How to set connection timeout on PostgreSQL connection via PHP PDO pgsql driver
AWS re:invent 2017 annoucements
Migrating to Prometheus: what we learned running it in production
Kubernetes RBAC with kops
PostgreSQL 10 and PGDay.IT
Rounding values in Prometheus alerts annotations
Stepping back from CTO and jumping into operations
KubeCon 2017 - Prometheus Takeaways
KubeCon 2017 - Kubernetes Takeaways
Best gzip compression with grunt-contrib-compress
Gmail ignores media queries if the CSS size is greater than 16KB
X-XSS-Protection in the wild
Prometheus: understanding the delays on alerting
Chrome 54 introduces BroadcastChannel API and Spreaker is already using it
IP-based GeoLocation with AWS Lambda and API Gateway
Graceful shutdown of pods with Kubernetes
Display the current kubectl context in the Bash prompt
Spreaker BBQ Sauce Recipe
Spreaker Retreat, Spring 2016: Wrap-Up
Avoid karma tests running twice on autoWatch
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Auto-Login from Native apps to Web
The unsurprisingly great Spreaker retreat
Distributed Matters Conf: Takeaways
Chrome changes "HTTPS with mixed content" icon and add Security tab to DevTools
Electron? It works for us, and makes desktop fun and fast
Who are we developing for?
Electron - Slow performances in background
New Chrome security policy: powerful features will be removed on insecure origins
Copy the text selection to Clipboard, using Javascript
Electron - Open DevTools in a popup
Compile ffmpeg libs on Windows with Visual Studio compiler
Rename multiple files on Mac
Chrome Android 44+ introduces a new "related apps" banner
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5 features you didn't know about Chrome DevTools
Statsd Client for Node.js
Electron - Signing a Mac Application